Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Fighting violence against women

At the time of writing, the total collected money from the national TV fundraising campaign last Sunday has reached 134,5 million Kroner. In our ecumenical worship service we collected 2606 kroner.
In the service we focused on women from various angles. Rev. Jacob Frode Olsen from Bergen Cathedral preached on how Jesus healed a woman (Luke 13:10-17). Mrs Lillian Michelo, who is a midwife from Zambia, informed us about the situation of women in Africa.
There was much music in the service. Our own member, Nathanael Hale played the prelude and the postlude on his bassoon. Vidar Hovden, the pastor of Adventkirken (the Adventist Church) played a piece on the panflute and accompanied the worship team, which was helped by a group from Fantoft Christian Fellowship.
About fifty people attended the service.

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